• "Flamme,"

    the fire, simply
  • Alkemia, the philosopher's guitar

    "Solve et Coagula"
  • The sound I seek

    Beauty and purity, simply
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

At the heart of sound

Bastien Burlot

Thanks to original design, deep aesthetic and philosophical choices linked to decisive discoveries I have made, and a thorough "from the inside" understanding of the needs of concert performers, I offer a truly innovative instrument that combines beauty, elegance, and rich sound with the performance of the best modern guitars.

Alkemia (classic): The dream of a philosopher’s guitar...

The guitar of philosopher musicians, the Salt of your own inner Work.

The Flamme Guitar (Acoustic/folk)

It offers depth, harmonic richness, a variety of colors, projection, power, dynamics, and length of sound, as well as infinite artistic expression capabilities.

HF Technology

The "Flamme" guitar provides "high fidelity" to your playing: a new sonic space at the service of musical expression.